Thursday, November 1, 2007


Ok I know I need to post more often sorry. Halloween came and went and we had a blast. Lexie was a Victorian Pirate, Parker was a Clone Soldier (not a Storm Trooper, "Clones became Storm Troopers once the Chancellor formed the Empire, Dad") and Conner was Master Yoda. It was fun to meet some new people in the neighborhood and the kids were thrilled to bring in the candy.

Conner has begun a love affair with candy. He had trouble grasping the concept of a candy bag and insisted on carrying it all himself.

Everyone at work calls me the Pirate because I hobble around on my gimp leg. I decided if I already walk like a Pirate, I should dress up as one for Halloween. When a guy I work with told me he has a great Capt. Jack Sparrow costume I knew I had to go for it. I just thought I would be Parker's hero forever if I could pull it off. He kept asking me, "Dad did you do this for me?" which of course I did. It was fun to dress up; I don't think I have since the famous Barbarita Haunted Houses that Del and I did before we had kids.


I have always loved Fall and it is the one season in Arizona that I have always felt gipped. In AZ it is still hot when the rest of the country is cooling off and drinking wassil. Our first fall in Utah has been awesome. The kids loved the leaves changing and jumping in them. We even had an early snow that covered our yard.
Our first backyard leaf round up.

A Sunday drive through the Alpine Loop.