Thursday, November 1, 2007


Ok I know I need to post more often sorry. Halloween came and went and we had a blast. Lexie was a Victorian Pirate, Parker was a Clone Soldier (not a Storm Trooper, "Clones became Storm Troopers once the Chancellor formed the Empire, Dad") and Conner was Master Yoda. It was fun to meet some new people in the neighborhood and the kids were thrilled to bring in the candy.

Conner has begun a love affair with candy. He had trouble grasping the concept of a candy bag and insisted on carrying it all himself.

Everyone at work calls me the Pirate because I hobble around on my gimp leg. I decided if I already walk like a Pirate, I should dress up as one for Halloween. When a guy I work with told me he has a great Capt. Jack Sparrow costume I knew I had to go for it. I just thought I would be Parker's hero forever if I could pull it off. He kept asking me, "Dad did you do this for me?" which of course I did. It was fun to dress up; I don't think I have since the famous Barbarita Haunted Houses that Del and I did before we had kids.


Melissa said...

LOVE LOVE the costumes and seeing your kids....Mike you are a rock star for dressing up. Ike told his preschool teacher that he sure wishes his mom would dress up for Halloween. I didn't and now, after reading Parker's comment, I feel bad. Thanks!

Tracey said...

Wow, am i ever impressed that you would dress up for Parker! I can not wait to show this to Scott, he would not even come trick or treating with me. His excuse was... somebody needed to stay home and hand out candy!! I am jealous of the fall leaves and of course your house is so pretty! Tell Amy i said hi.

Scott Simas said...

my wife said i was rude so i am sorry! you looked good for an adult dressed as a pirate!

Scott Simas said...


Jen said...

You all look great! Amy, Halloween wasn't quite the same for me this year! I missed you guys. Hope things are going well. Amy- call me! we need to catch up!

Nichole Barney said...

Mike great costume and of course your kids look adorable. How was halloween? I am sure you had that nice fall crip air. We are still in the 90*s. Hope you are all doing well.

kara jayne said...

What a fun Dad! Seriously the kids will remember that forever and LOVE it! Paul just puts on a hat and says he is a golfer...loser!

Melissa said...

Mike, I thought about you on your birthday. I miss having our combined birthday dinners/bashes.
I hope you had a nice one. We are excited to see you guys on Saturday. Amy, we are going to set a girls getaway on the calendar!!!!

Banks Family said...

Mike it's so great to see your beautiful family. I think Davis and Parker would be great buddies as he was Jango Fett for Halloween and he talks about Star Wars all day. Davis loves your pirate costume as he was Capt Jack last year. Look at our blog and you can see us all dressed up. It's great to keep up with your family, I hope your leg is feeling better.

Shawni said...

Mike, great job on the blog AND the costume. We miss you guys SOOOO much. THe Halloween neighborhood thing was just not the same without the Z's. Amy it seems like forever since I talked to you. I drove past your house the other day and it was so sad to see someone else there. On the other hand, that home and all that's going on up there in Utah looks awesome and I'm so happy for you guys. Hopefully we'll talk to you this weekend.
Love, Shawni